B-Bicycle Culture Magazine: Project Carma. Creative News

Curiosamente nos llega, en un corto espacio de tiempo, otro ejemplo de lo que puede dar de si un coche fuera de circulación. En este caso además conozco a una de las personas que salen en el video, Vitor Peixoto, porque he jugado este fin de semana al polo con el en el torneo que hemos organizado los poleros madrileños (III open de Madrid). Durante el torneo tuvo que enderezar una rueda de 60 radios. Este tio es un CRACK:

Leo Burnett Lisbon has just released Project Carma, a project created for B-Bicycle Culture Magazine around a bicycle made from the scrap of a car with the mission to make up for the kms it ran in its previous life. The initiative wants to contribute to relaunch the discussion about mobility and ecology in the city. The Project also includes a limited edition of cyclist accessories made from the car’s upholstery and inspired a short film produced by Albiñana Films. The bicycle will be first displayed in an event to be held this month. From that day on, it will be available in major cities across the country to everyone who wants to contribute to erase its bad karma, in other words, ride it. Rcicla Bicletas built the bicycle and Rasto the accessories. The Project had the support of A Socorsul and can be followed on www.carma-project.com , where a typography inspired in a bicycle frame will soon be available for free download.


Advertising Agency: Leo Burnet, Lisbon, Portugal

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