Nombre del autor:Aitor

Me gustaría vivir en un entorno equilibrado, bello y armónico, generando los suficientes recursos como para no depender de nadie, dedicado a la lectura, el aprendizaje, mis inquietudes y el goce compartido de vivir, todo ello en una comunidad autónoma de personas de ambos sexos, regida por el interés común y el apoyo mutuo y sin malos rollos de pelas .

bike culture, vintage

Dedicated to Lightweight Vintage Bicycles, circa 1900~1983. The purpose of this not-for-profit site is to encourage those interested in enjoying and preserving vintage lightweight «racing» style bicycles of the period from the early 20th century until 1983. These are primarily steel, most often «lug built, not welded, injection molded, or glued. We are devoted to […]



Preview your bike design dreams in the builder above. Beneath you can calculate gear inches and skid patches from adjusting the cog and chainring sizes. 70 gear inches will give you a light ride around town, while 80 will give you speed downhill and a tough time back up. fixiestudio

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