bike culture

bike culture, video

Final Teaser

This is our final short before releasing the full length. Empire is a video about people having fun riding track bikes and fixed gears in the city.

bike culture, video

Birth Of Big Air Trailer

It’s about time Mat Hoffman’s story was told and now it has been done by just the right people. Directed by longtime friend Jeff Tremaine and produced by Priya Swaminathan, Spike Jonze, and Mark Lewman, the film pays tribute to this BMX legend. It includes interviews with supporters and fans, like Evel Knievel. This film

bike culture, video

Pita si te gustan las bicis

Chronicles the history and development of the «Critical Mass» bicycle movement– one of the most spirited and dynamic social/political movements of the apathetic 90’s. In over 200 cities in 14 different countries, Critical Mass has now become a monthly ritual of reclaiming the streets by bicycle activists riding en masse. (We aren’t blocking traffic,) We

bike culture, Eventos

Programa del evento VIERNES 11 DE JUNIO 19:00 – Pre-inscripción 11 Avenidas en el taller de Ciclos Noviciado 21:00 – Bici + Cerveza = Pasabares por Madrid. Sprints, footdown y trackstands a medida que discurra la noche SABADO 12 de JUNIO 13:00 – Montaje de Exposición de Fotografía en Lalivingstone + Pintada de la Fachada

bike culture, freak, Rarest of rare


(Genial el nombre, parodiando la palabra chupacabras) Choppercabras bicycle club formed around 1999 or 2000, we’re based in LA areas ajacent. We build custom bikes and host two wild events a year: The Choppercabras Spring Thing and the Halloween ride. More info on Choppercabras set en flickr

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