
DOSNOVENTA RUNS NEW YORK CITY 2012 from Hector Ferreño on Vimeo.

Dosnoventa’s trip to New York & Red Hook Criterium video.

Direction: Sergi Castellà
Filmmakers: Hector Ferreño, Sergi Castellà.
Edit: Xavi Trilla, Sergi Castellà.
Artwork: David A. Turover, Albert Morera de Bes.
Additional footage: Marco Gasser.

Music: Explosions in the Sky – Our Last Days As Children
Oceanliners – Cutting Room (Hot Pants)
Rone – Spanish Breakfast
The Black Keys – Lonely Boy
Barbara & Gwen – Right On (The Street Called Love)

Thanks to : Sebas Ordinas (Fixthecity and Dosnoventa), Jason Clary, Christian Dominguez, John Prolly, Emi Brown, David Trimble and all Red Hook Crit organization, Chas Christiansen, Alfred Bobe Jr, Tijon Randall, Affinity Shop, Chris Six Nguyen, Takuya Sakamoto, Alex Farioletti, Javon Floyd, Chris Willmore, Dan Chabanov (to make us believe you can fly on a bicycle), Marco Gasser & Brooklyn WuTang Sons.

Sponsors: HED, Lacoste Live, Mission Wokrshop, BlackMilk, Fixthecity.

This report was shot in New York City during last March 2012 and we would like to thank all the people on the video for their hospitality.

Full support to N.Y.

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