
bike art, bike culture, Eventos, freak, Info, video

The Tweed Run 2011

“On Saturday the 9th of April, in the the year 2011, between the hours of ten and eleven in the morning, on a day that combined the warmth and unmistakable fresh charm of spring, numerous individuals in the city of London readied themselves to take part in a spectacle that would transgress the bounds of […]

bike culture, bike polo, Eventos, fotografía

Hostias como panes (IV)

That’s all folks… Enlaces relacionados: > BFF Barnausen, una crónica en imágenes (I) > BFF Barnausen, una crónica en imágenes (II) > BFF Barnausen, una crónica en imágenes (III) La cronica de mybeatufulparking: > ¡¡Hostias como panes!! > Corre como el viento > Bicycle Film Festival

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