
afiches, Info, inglés, publicidad

Campaña para peatones y ciclistas. En inglés

Beginning this week, you may notice billboards advertising the Go Human campaign. Go Human is a community outreach and advertising campaign with the goals of reducing traffic collisions in Southern California and encouraging people to walk and bike more. The campaign, launched by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), hopes to create safer and

Audio, Info

Aprender a vivir sin coche. (En inglés)

Our love affair with the car has turned into a relationship of dependence, shaping our lives and our cities. But what if our lives would be better without automobiles? Anik See explores what carless life is like on three different continents and for three different generations. ›

casco, helmet, Info, kickstarter, Kikstaarter

Thousand Bike Helmet

Maybe you’ll wear the Thousand Bike Helmet, if you don’t like your current one. Thousand describes the design as “Vintage Moto Meets Modern Minimalist” and that about sums it up. It also has great ventilation, a magnetic buckle, vegan leather straps, and a secret PopLock for securing it to your bike. The matte rubberized finish

Info, infografia

Infografía: Mujeres y pedaleo

Last year, 45 million U.S. women rode a bicycle. This infographic, based on our U.S. Bicycling Participation Study, shares some of the most interesting and relevant findings about the current state of women and bicycling. Read our story, «New research on women’s bicycling participation reveals insights—and some surprises,» for a deeper dive into these numbers.


¿Cómo elegir tu zapatilla para MTB?

Enlace patrocinado La práctica del Mountain Bike es una de las modalidades más apasionantes y exigentes del ciclismo. Los retos que nos presentan las rutas, los cambios de climas, temperaturas y todos los elementos naturales que se unen, nos presentan un ciclismo que requiere de los mejores complementos y equipamiento para practicarlo y disfrutarlo a

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