
afiches, Info, inglés, publicidad

Campaña para peatones y ciclistas. En inglés

Beginning this week, you may notice billboards advertising the Go Human campaign. Go Human is a community outreach and advertising campaign with the goals of reducing traffic collisions in Southern California and encouraging people to walk and bike more. The campaign, launched by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), hopes to create safer and

Fotos, inglés, vintage

‘One Mile Race’ en Praga

A young cyclist is flanked by fellow Penny Farthing bicycle riders during the annual ‘One Mile Race’ in Prague, Czech Republic, on November 2, 2013. Participants dress up in historical garb and ride on high wheel Penny Farthing bikes. › Visto en

bike design, Fotos, Info, inglés

Campagnolo cumple 80 años de su fábrica en Vicenza, (Italia) y deja tomar algunas fotos dentro de su fábrica. (Información En inglés por Velonews)

VICENZA, Italy (VN) — Campagnolo has long been known for guarding its trade secrets fastidiously, and when it comes to seeing the workings of its factory, many sections for some time have been off limits to anyone outside of the company, and photography was strictly prohibited inside the production areas. But a new spirit of

Fotos, inglés, video

Holstee manifiesto (en inglés)

The Holstee Manifesto Lifecycle Video from Holstee on Vimeo. The Holstee Manifesto is a call to action to live a life full of intention, creativity, passion, and community. The LifeCycle Film came about as a desire to bring the energy and passion behind the Manifesto to life through something we love–biking. As we seek to

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