
bike culture, books, Eventos, Libros, vintage

Plomo en los bolsillos.

Viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012 19:00 Boria 17, local 2, 08003 Barcelona Como parte del 4º aniversario de My Beautiful Parking, el viernes 14 a las 19:00h. Ander Izagirre presentará en nuestra tienda su libro Plomo en los Bolsillos. Recomendamos encarecidamente que vengáis si os gusta la historia del ciclismo. Además tendremos quintos de

bike art, bike culture, books, fotografía


Bike Polo Photographs is now available for purchase through It’s a great collection of photographs submitted by bike polo players from around the world. BLURB

bike art, books, fotografía

South Africans Bicycle Portraits

The Bicycle Portraits project was initiated by Stan Engelbrecht (Cape Town, South Africa) and Nic Grobler (Johannesburg, South Africa) early in 2010. Whenever they can, together or separately, they’re on the lookout for fellow commuters, and people who use bicycles as part of their everyday work, to meet and photograph. They’re finding out who rides

books, freak

Silvina Bullrich – la bicicleta

Libro sacado de la biblioteca familiar, escrito por la argentina Silvina Bullrich en 1986 y que pese al explícito título no guarda relación alguna con el ciclismo. «La Bicicleta es un país inefable, tan disparatado como reconocible: las empresas deben muchísimo dinero a la banca internacional pero, en vez de pagar, solicitan nuevos créditos: la

bike culture, books

Velo: Bicycle Culture and Design Book

Edited by R. Klanten / S. Ehmann and published by Gestalten. Velo introduces a wild bunch of passionate cyclists – frame builders, urban planners, artists, photographers, and those who ride professionally – who are making an impact. They are not only shaping styles, but promoting cycling as a primary form of transport. The book also

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